I’m Anders Angler
I’m an angler, and I have a keen sense of fishing. I’ve been fishing since I was seven years old.
Ever since I’ve known about fishing, I’ve been lurking near their habitat and learning about all things related to angling. So, you know you can trust me when I say I know a thing or two about fishing and all the fishing gear.
Over the years, I became more obsessed with fishing, and I started using more types of equipment, so I learned to identify excellent quality products and cheap quality products.
That’s why I’ve created this blog, so I can save you time from going through the hassle of buying cheap-poorly-made-fishing gear equipment. You should be out there fishing and enjoying your trip and, not at some store confused about what to buy!
When I learned to identify the right gear from a bad one, I never wanted to be confused about buying fishing gear ever again.
I’ve designed this website to be readable at any time and try to maintain the same layout so you’re looking all over where to find certain information.

Fishing Gear Reviews
In this site, you’ll find great in-depth research, experience, usage, and comments from fishing tackle and new I’ve heard from other anglers.
I’ve done all the hard work for you, and found awesome products that you’ll definitely like. I’ve personally used many of them, and they’ve never disappointed me, and neither will they disappoint you.
From fishing reels to rods and more, you’ll find information about all of the necessary gears you need so you can start or continue your journey as an angler.
I will equip you with the latest and greatest fishing gear, so when you go fishing, you’ll look like you’re the whole package, and your fishing game will step up marginally.
You will always stay ahead of your competition, and your bucket will be teaming with beautiful fish.

What This Place Is About
If you’re a beginner angler or a seasoned one, you’ll find value in my reviews as I do thorough research, and most of the time I try each product, before listing any product on my blog.
Because I know the struggle of fishing with poor equipment, I’ll try best to relieve you of that hellish experience.
If you’ve read through my entire blog, then congratulations to you! You have immense patience, and if you want to be a better angler, you’ll need plenty of patience.
If you’ve just scrolled to the end, the gist is that you’ll find reviews of great products from several online stores, done by a real angler. So, don’t worry, you’re in safe hands.
So, I hope you have a great time on my site. I tried my best to provide you with all the necessary information you need.
If you have anything to share with me, you can email me, or through to the contact page.